Inch by Inch, Row by Row

May 18, 2010

On Tuesday mornings we venture out to Prescott Farm for the Polliwogs program for preschoolers.  Prescott Farm is a local nature conservancy that offers various programs, camps, and special events for children and adults.  It is wonderful to have such a place so close to our home. This week’s theme was “Spring in the Garden” […]

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Weekend Window Shopping

May 17, 2010

It’s fun to think about tractors, but it’s even more fun to sit on one (or many) and think of all the possibilities.  Now back to Craigslist drooling browsing.

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Closing June 14th…?

May 15, 2010

After four years of searching….we have found Little Dream Farm!  It fits all the requirements on 12 acres.  Did I mention the huge barn?  Sounds too good to be true, huh?  Well, there have been some kinks this past month and more to come I’m sure… …like the fact that we still own our current […]

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